Thursday, March 30, 2006

Cold Sore, (Fever Blisers) Shingles Caused By Similar Viruses

...They are both caused by a herpes virus, but not the same one. The herpes group of viruses includes herpes simplex, the type that causes cold sores (also known as fever blisters), and varicella zoster, the type...

...Although not a disease that is exclusive to older adults, people over 60 are twice as likely as younger individuals to come down with shingles. Like the varicella virus, infection with the herpes simplex virus usually occurs early in life..

...Cold sores (Fever Blisters) are impossible to cure or prevent, and so treatment usually focuses on limiting the discomfort they cause and on decreasing the duration of the outbreak. The most common treatment is the use of...

Cold Sore, (Fever Blisers) Shingles Caused By Similar Viruses


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