Friday, February 09, 2007

Resource for Genital Herpes Learn The Facts Here

Genital Herpes is a sexually transmitted disease usually causedby the HSV-2 virus. The blisters appear on the genital area,vaginal area, penis, anal opening, and on the buttocks orthighs.

The symptoms of genital herpes include a feeling ofitching or burning in the genital area, pain in the legs orbuttocks. In case of women, there is a fluid discharge from thevagina.

Resource for Genital Herpes Learn the Facts Here

Monday, July 03, 2006

New Choraphor Herpes Site In Swedish

New Dynamiclear Site in Swedish..

Some excerpts...

...Dynamiclear - En Unik Herpes Behandling Dynamiclear fungerar mycket olikt de flesta andra herpes produkter. De flesta herpes mediciner agerar för att "trycka ner" viruset för att kunna reducera utbrotten (de attackerar inte viruset och förstör det direkt)....

...Dynamiclear trycker INTE ner herpes viruset, dynamiclear förstör viruset vid direkt kontakt. Eftersom Dynamiclear inte tas invärtes så undviks skadliga bi-effekter....

Herpes Site in Swedish

Monday, June 19, 2006

Hope For Millions Of Cold Sores Sufferers technology in a lip stick like device means hope for millions of cold sores sufferers. It is based on the principle of concentrated heat...

...Within a short time, painful vesicles, followed by thick crusts spread over the lips. Almost 90% of our countries population are victims of this – once infected...

...Stress, low immune system, sun exposure or fever – therefore sometimes it is also called “fever blisters”. Menstruation...

Hope For Millions Of Cold Sores Sufferers

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Docosanol - Learn More

Docosanol 10% cream is a topical treatment for recurrent herpes simplex labialis episodes (episodes of cold sores or fever blisters).

A saturated 22-carbon aliphatic alcohol, Docosanol exhibits antiviral activity against many lipid enveloped viruses including herpes simplex virus (HSV).

Docosanol inhibits fusion between the plasma membrane and the herpes simplex virus (HSV) envelope, thereby preventing viral entry into cells and subsequent viral replication.

Abreva is the brand name of a cream containing 10% Docosanol. Abreva is the first over the counter anti-viral drug approved for sale in the United States.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Herpangina Same As Fever Blisters ?

...A mouth filled with painful blisters…This common infection can make kids miserable for the better part of a week..

...This illness starts abruptly, usually with a fever. Often the fever is high (103–104°F). Occasionally, children lose their sparkle (and appetite) a few hours before the fever begins. The mouth sores usually begin at the same time as the fever or shortly afterward....

Herpangina Same As Fever Blisters ?

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Cold Sore, (Fever Blisers) Shingles Caused By Similar Viruses

...They are both caused by a herpes virus, but not the same one. The herpes group of viruses includes herpes simplex, the type that causes cold sores (also known as fever blisters), and varicella zoster, the type...

...Although not a disease that is exclusive to older adults, people over 60 are twice as likely as younger individuals to come down with shingles. Like the varicella virus, infection with the herpes simplex virus usually occurs early in life..

...Cold sores (Fever Blisters) are impossible to cure or prevent, and so treatment usually focuses on limiting the discomfort they cause and on decreasing the duration of the outbreak. The most common treatment is the use of...

Cold Sore, (Fever Blisers) Shingles Caused By Similar Viruses

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Fighting Fever Blisters

... I get fever blisters sometimes, usually at the worst possible time. Please tell me what ointment is best?...

...Forget looks! Cold sores hurt and create tingling, blistering and itching.

Experts say that certain substances trigger lip viruses, particularly foods high in the amino acid arginine, such as brown rice, coconut, oatmeal, raisins, nuts, chocolate and caffeine...

A different amino acid called lysine can be used to prevent them. It is sold as a dietary supplement....

Fighting Fever Blisters..Read More.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Can We Talk About Herpes? Again.

...Historically, herpes simplex 1 has been associated with cold sores or fever blisterson the mouth and lips...

...Despite the onslaught of posters, TV commercials, public health officers and celebrities promoting safe sex over the last 20 years, rates of many sexual transmitted diseases in United States have been steadily rising.

Even though about 20 percent of Americans have genital herpes, an estimated 90 percent of people infected with the virus don't realize that they have it...

Can We Talk About Herpes? Again..Read More

Monday, February 27, 2006

Shingles Vaccine

...Shingles (herpes zoster) is an illness caused by a reactivation of the chicken pox virus (varicella)....

...About 4 or 5 days later, clusters of blister-like lesions break out in the same area as the pain. The blisters fill with pus and crust over in 7 to 10 days.

The scabs fall off 2 to 3 weeks later. In some cases, the lesions may leave scars...

...The study enrolled 38,546 healthy adults 60 and older. The study participants were randomized to receive either the experimental vaccine or a placebo.

After about a three-year follow-up, the researchers found the incidence of shingles was reduced by 51.3 percent in those who received...

Shingles Vaccine..Read More

Friday, January 13, 2006

Different Herpes Viruses

Herpes viruses

- 6 viruses; eachproduces a mild illness upon entering the body; the virus then lies latent within the host genome, awaiting reactivation, for the rest of the person's life

- herpes simplex 1
- usually contracted by getting kissed, as a baby

- a majority of adults have the virus, though most never become sick or suffer only fever blisters

- the virus climbs sensory nerves and hides in nervous tissue

- cold sore, fever blister, sun blister

- the virus can also cause generalized severe vesicular eruptions of the skin; also herpes ulcers of the cornea, or even necrosis of the temporal lobes of the brain

- pathologists recognize typical herpes cells in sections or touch preparations ; the nucleus loses its texture and becomes pale and swollen

- herpes simplex 2

- this virus is usually contracted through sexual contact, and produces painful, recurrent blisters on the genitals; pathology is identical to HSV-I;

- if present in the birth canal, then the newborn will contract the virus during delivery

- this is deadly, ceasarean section is indicated

- herpes necrotizing encephalitis is almost always due to type I herpes, but many patients experience viral meningitis during the first episode of herpes 2

- human herpes 6
- can cause disease by itself, and blamed for accellerating the course of HIV
- invades B lymphocytes